Sunday, November 11, 2012

Prayers from Above

For quite some time I have been telling Christine I plan to write something on this blog and not just because she has asked me several times in the last month.  While sitting here at the computer this sunny Sunday afternoon typing up prayers my grandfather had written down on scrap pieces of paper, it occurred to me that now would be a great time to do a blog post.

I have been wanting to type up these notes my Aunt sent me for awhile as well and finally had some time today. It was very common to be at my grandpa’s kitchen table and see what looked like scribbles to me written on napkins, junk mail or any other piece of paper that had room to write on.  Little did I know that what I once thought were just scribbles would turn out to be much more.  My grandpa was a very wise and loving man, someone that just knew he had a good relationship with God.  In his last years, he was truly ready to be with the Lord, and many others who passed before him.  One of the thoughts I came across that he had written down was from Proverbs: “A man’s greatest treasure is his wife; she is a gift from the Lord!” (18:22).

 I could not agree more with this verse. Grandpa knew how to love, how to respect, and how to appreciate the small things in life.  As I think back to the relationship he and grandma had, I often think to myself that I hope I can forever keep that candle burning between Christine and I even after one of us passes before the other.  Christine wrote on the blog how thankful she is to have me in her life (which I do find myself to be a pretty good catch lol) but I 100% believe I am the luckier one.  I have a wife who is intelligent, compassionate, strong, and has a truly healthy relationship with the Lord.  Christine has kept her head high when considering our bumpy journey to becoming parents. I am so proud of her strength and courage.

 One thing is for certain, I owe so much to grandpa because this journey would have been a lot harder if his grace, presence and love were not instilled in us as a young couple.  Grandpa set a great example for those who met him. I often think to the last good conversation I had with grandpa and Christine.  We had gone to visit with him on a sunny November day much like today.  When we were getting ready to leave, grandpa said to Christine and me, “I’ll be praying for a bouncing baby for you two.”   He said this with such a big smile and warm heart. That was the last time Christine ever saw grandpa.   Whether this adoption goes as we pray or not I know grandpa is up there every day, praying for Christine and me to be able to start a family. For those who have been following every post, thank you, and for those who just began following our blog I hope it can help you and others when struggling to find faith in God even during the most challenging times.
God bless you all,
from Christmas 2010

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