Thursday, November 29, 2012

Unconditional Love!

Love this! Found this on a Facebook page I am part of (Open Adoption, Open Heart). This is also a really great book by Russell Elkins and a must read for anyone who is part of the adoption triad or interested more in the subject.  In our case I would want to switch out birthmother for birthparents. The birthfather in our match is very involved and a great father as well!

"Adoption isn't a birthmother's rejection but 

an unconditional love that inspires her to put

herself last and do all she can for her baby."

 - Birthmother

(By the way, I am typing this from our new MacBook Air. LOVE IT! We were really in need of a new laptop considering ours had to constantly be tethered to an outlet to work and our number 8 key was missing most of the time.)

Monday, November 26, 2012


How was your Thanksgiving? We had a great weekend overall with family, food and football games! As I was eating my turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, and pies I couldn't help but think about what next Thanksgiving might look like with a baby in our lives. I am sure I will be wearing much more of my food next year but can't wait for all those special milestones.

We put all of our Christmas decorations up this weekend. It is really the only time we have considering we already have one Christmas party this coming weekend and are busy every weekend from here on out. I love the way our house looks and feels with it decorated for the holidays. The first Christmas in our house I had bought several decorations, two of which are red, wooden words. One says, "JOY" and the other "HOPE". At the time I bought them only because I thought they would look nice and not so much for the meaning behind the words. Little did I know how much those two words would mean to me a few years later. Since that first Christmas we have always put the "HOPE" decoration on the mantel above our fireplace. Again, I have never really thought much about this until I sat down last night after all was said and done and staring right back at me in big red letters was a simple message..."HOPE". I said a little prayer right then and there thanking God. He is ever present in all things great and small, he knows the number of hairs on my head, the tears I have cried and the fact that I would be sitting on my couch at that very minute yearning to hear his voice. Amen!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes I am up early on Thanksgiving morning. Many of you probably enjoyed a few too many drinks last night (as seems to be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving tradition) and are still asleep. I on the otherhand was asleep very early last night. I have been sick the last few days, barely have a voice but am hanging in there. I am also very grateful that I do not have to work today so that I could sleep and rest my voice.

I wanted to post quickly today a link to another blog that I follow. The woman who writes and her husband are adopting a little boy from Russia (THIS WEEK!). They have such an awesome story and it truly sheds light on what thanksgiving should be...a time to praise our Lord for all our blessings no matter how great or small.


Oh Look What God Has Done!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Monday!

I hope this post finds many of you anticipating the upcoming holiday on Thursday. I know I am looking forward to spending a day full of family, football and feasting. We had a wonderful Sunday with D & S, their daughters, my parents and Aaron's parents. Each time we get together with D & S my love for them grows. They are amazing individuals and so easy to talk to. It is impossible at this point anymore to not be attached to this situation and these people. They have welcomed us into their lives, their home, and their hearts. I hope they feel we have been doing the same. Conversation was great throughout our visit and I think we all got to know eachother a litle better. D has another appointment tomorrow. We will be praying for a growing baby girl and continued health for D. With the holidays coming up I don't think we will be getting together until D's 36th or 37th week (around the end of December) when she is due to have another ultrasound. This could all change pending upcoming appointments so we are being as flexible as possible. I think we would all like to see eachother one more time before the baby arrives so we will be trying our hardest to make that happen.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I am so excited it is the weekend! We get to see D & S again which will be much better than having to communicate via phone, text, or email. Don't get me wrong, I love our conversations but sometimes it is better to talk face to face. I have been feeling very emotional lately about everything. We have less than 9 weeks until the baby's due date. Besides a few things here and there we are ready to welcome a child into our home. It comes at another's expense, however, and I cannot help but be sad that another has to lose a child in order for us to gain a child. At the same time I am so happy this is going to be an open adoption so that this baby will know where she gets the color of her hair, her funny laugh or other small quirks that will make her unique. I am so happy we will all visit eachother and hope that over time our relationship will grow and change as we all do.

More and more I get asked the question, "what happens if they change their mind?" While this is in the back of my mind that is where it stays most of the time. I cannot dwell on this constantly. This baby is not ours right now and we know that. I have had several others look at me in disbelief over the fact that this could happen. Adoption is a crazy (but AWESOME) process with many rules and regulations. We will deal with the situation if it arises. We will be sad but will also know that this was not the child intended for us. I know I say this over and over again but God has a plan for you, for us, for this child and for its' expectant parents. Only God knows what will truly happen in the next 8 weeks.  Knowing this my job is to "be still" and let Him do His work. This is harder than it sounds, believe me, but it is really the only choice I have to stay sane throughout this time of waiting.

As the holiday season approaches this time of waiting does become more difficult. I feel surrounded by babies, children and happy families. While knowing that this baby will be born soon fills me with joy it is still hard to hear others talk so lighthearted about their children, pregnancy and childbirth. Please know that if I am not quick to return your calls or fail to attend a party it has less to do with you and more to do with my emotions. I have come a long way from feeling like I would never be able to attend another baby shower but it does not mean that I don't have a lump in my throat the entire time I am congratulating you. At one point in this week I was having a tough time dealing with all of the upcoming festivities. This morning my devotion reminded me of the struggles of others in times past and how God often works in these struggles. Please take a few minutes to read it if you can, it is worth it!


For I know that my Redeemer lives. (Job 19:25)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Prayers from Above

For quite some time I have been telling Christine I plan to write something on this blog and not just because she has asked me several times in the last month.  While sitting here at the computer this sunny Sunday afternoon typing up prayers my grandfather had written down on scrap pieces of paper, it occurred to me that now would be a great time to do a blog post.

I have been wanting to type up these notes my Aunt sent me for awhile as well and finally had some time today. It was very common to be at my grandpa’s kitchen table and see what looked like scribbles to me written on napkins, junk mail or any other piece of paper that had room to write on.  Little did I know that what I once thought were just scribbles would turn out to be much more.  My grandpa was a very wise and loving man, someone that just knew he had a good relationship with God.  In his last years, he was truly ready to be with the Lord, and many others who passed before him.  One of the thoughts I came across that he had written down was from Proverbs: “A man’s greatest treasure is his wife; she is a gift from the Lord!” (18:22).

 I could not agree more with this verse. Grandpa knew how to love, how to respect, and how to appreciate the small things in life.  As I think back to the relationship he and grandma had, I often think to myself that I hope I can forever keep that candle burning between Christine and I even after one of us passes before the other.  Christine wrote on the blog how thankful she is to have me in her life (which I do find myself to be a pretty good catch lol) but I 100% believe I am the luckier one.  I have a wife who is intelligent, compassionate, strong, and has a truly healthy relationship with the Lord.  Christine has kept her head high when considering our bumpy journey to becoming parents. I am so proud of her strength and courage.

 One thing is for certain, I owe so much to grandpa because this journey would have been a lot harder if his grace, presence and love were not instilled in us as a young couple.  Grandpa set a great example for those who met him. I often think to the last good conversation I had with grandpa and Christine.  We had gone to visit with him on a sunny November day much like today.  When we were getting ready to leave, grandpa said to Christine and me, “I’ll be praying for a bouncing baby for you two.”   He said this with such a big smile and warm heart. That was the last time Christine ever saw grandpa.   Whether this adoption goes as we pray or not I know grandpa is up there every day, praying for Christine and me to be able to start a family. For those who have been following every post, thank you, and for those who just began following our blog I hope it can help you and others when struggling to find faith in God even during the most challenging times.
God bless you all,
from Christmas 2010

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Month of Thanksgiving!

I have been wanting to write a post all week but the evenings have really gotten away from me. Last weekend we had two of our nephews spend the night. It has become a yearly tradition and was started as a way to celebrate Aaron's Godson's birthday rather than only doing a gift of some sort. Building a fort, watching a movie and eating popcorn and pop was by far the highlight of the weekend.

This week has been busy too. I had a meeting one night, got my hair cut another, and then had a work function yet another night so didn't get home until later than usual. I also had to catch up with D this week so one night we spent over an hour talking on the phone about life, adoption and recipes (I love our relationship and pray, pray, pray that it continues to grow!).

Can you believe it is already November 10th? I hope National Adoption Month has been treating all of you well and that you have been spreading the word! Now that the elections are over our Congress have some important matters to tackle. One being the Adoption Tax Credit. If you haven't done so already please think about writing to your senator or state representative about this topic. It is so vitally important to many families and more important to the children. You can find this link on our homepage but just in case you missed it here it is again. It will help you get started writing a letter and gives other ideas on how to advocate for adoption.

Thanksgiving is only two weeks away as well. This means that we really only have about 9 weeks until the baby makes her appearance in this world! We are ready (or as ready as we are going to be lol)! D has been feeling well, measuring right on track, and the heartbeat sounds good too. Please continue to pray for her and S. They have a lot on their plate (D is not only pregnant but works and goes to school full time; they also have two children at home full of lots of energy) and as the due date approaches we only expect emotions to be running high.

This month has also been a great time to reflect on what I have been blessed with and am thankful for. Many of you have been doing this daily via facebook posts which is awesome. Since I am late in making these daily posts I wanted to just take a few minutes to say how thankful I am to all of you who read this blog. I often pour out my heart and thoughts into my posts. When I started this blog I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know who or how many people would really read it or be affected by it. My intention was mostly to keep friends and family up-to-date about our journey but it has turned into something more than that. I have readers from Russia, Canada and South Africa, and many of my posts have recieved well over 150 hits at a time. People who I have not talked to for years have made contact with me to tell me their story or how a certain post made them think, smile and appreciate life. It has opened the hearts and minds to many who do not understand adoption and especially open adoption. I hope that this blog can continue to be a place for many to come and read about God's many blessings (no matter how big or small) and how He is always working in your life. Thank you and be the one to give thanks to God for all his blessings!
“As he entered a village, ten men, all lepers, met him. They kept their distance but raised their voices, calling out, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’ Taking a good look at them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ They went, and while still on their way, became clean. One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. He couldn’t thank him enough – and he was a Samaritan. Jesus said, ‘Were not ten healed? Where are the nine? Can none be found to come back and give glory to God except this outsider?’ Then he said to him, ‘Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you’” (Luke 17:12-19, MSG)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

National Adoption Month!

Happy National Adoption Month!

November 1st marks the beginning of this awesome month! Please share my blog post with everyone you know. Spread the word!

I was catching up on facebook and came across this great video that was posted to the Open Adoption, Open Heart website. Check it out: