Sunday, August 19, 2012

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

As usual I have many thoughts and updates so for the ease of reading I will number them.

1) We are still on cloud nine here about our match! I have so many things running through my head. We have so many things we can do around our house before the baby is here but really all I want to do right now is get to know the birthparents better. It is taking everything I got to not call them every day. I am planning on calling later this week to get more details/directions for the ultrasound and hopefully to just chat. I am looking forward to this phone call and for this week to go quickly. The plan right now is to go to the ultrasound and then out to dinner together!

2) I continue to do a great deal of reading about adoption and parenting in general. Right now I am reading "Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew" by Sherrie Eldridge. I am liking it so far but think it will be an even better resource later in the child's life. A book I am really excited about reading and just downloaded to my Kindle is "Open Adoption Open Heart-An Adoptive Father's Inspiring Journey" by Russell Elkins.  You can purchase it here. It comes highly recommended not only for those touched by adoption but by anyone interested in adoption.

3) We ordered a bookcase today for the nursery, did some rearranging of the furniture, hung our window treatment and brainstormed other ideas that have been running through our heads. I have been asked again and again about having a baby shower before the baby is born and my typical response has been "no thank you" as my heart pounds with the fear of a failed adoption. Today I began to think differently about this after hearing the second reading at mass this morning.

Ephesians 5: 15-20
Be very careful, then, how you live —not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.   Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.   Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,    speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,  always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A lot can be taken from this passage. You may find that something else speaks to your heart but the line that I underlined stood out to me today. I will be the first to admit that I am terrible at "making the most of every opportunity" but this situation is one in which my heart needs to be fully open despite my fears. One of the ways I can be open to this situation is by fully embracing all of the celebrations that come with expecting a child (so yes mom this is your formal invitation to start planning!). Day by day, hour by hour I can feel the love growing in my heart for this child and his or her birthparents.

4) I found this image when searching online for some adoption related items. The words got cut off but I think you get the point!

5) In other news I had my Tilt Table test on Friday and was officially diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope. If you missed my post about what that is you can find it here. I fainted at the end of the test which makes it a positive test. Since I am young and my body is functioning well otherwise the best recommendation they can give me is to increase my salt intake. Medications aren't going to work properly since I have normal kidneys and I would just push out the extra salt they provide. So anyways I was pretty much told to buy stock in Gatorade (guess I know what  sales I will be scouring the ads for every Sunday) and not be afraid of adding extra salt to my foods. I also need to make an extra effort to stay hydrated throughout the day. Although I didn't enjoy fainting in the doctor's office and experiencing those awful symptoms I am hoping that knowing these things will help in the long run.

6) A few people have asked us if they can help us prepare in anyway. Right now the best way you can help is by continuing to pray, pray, PRAY!

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