Monday, August 13, 2012

Traveling Experts!

This past weekend was a whirlwind to say the least. I am going to make this a fairly quick update as I am feeling a bit under the weather and my couch and/or bed is calling my name.

I started feeling sick Thursday night and by Friday afternoon my cold was in full force-just in time for a crazy weekend. When I woke up Saturday I really did not know how I was going to make it through the weekend. However, after laying around most of the morning we packed up the car and started driving the 2 hours to our first destination. I am so thankful for cold medicine. I ended up feeling a little better by late afternoon and had a great time at our friend's wedding. It was so nice to see a lot of people we haven't seen in years! One of our friends introduced us to his girlfriend who was adopted. She was so sweet and it was great talking to her about the process and how she views her adoptive parents and birthfamily.

After a very restless night of sleep we woke up Sunday morning to travel another 2 1/2 hours to meet the birthparents we were emailed about earlier in the week. Both of us were so anxious about the meeting. I brought my Bible along in the car thinking maybe that would help to calm me. It did some but the whole way there I still worried some about how the meeting would go. Once we finally sat down with our agency director and the birthparents and started talking the nerves slowly went away. The meeting went really, really well in my opinion. I felt we connected and talking came easy. We laughed and joked and seemed to be very much on the same page. Overall, we left feeling great about the situation. We did everything we could do and now it is all in the hands of God. We hope and pray that this is our time and feel so blessed to have met these expectant parents. Adoption is amazing. I know I have said this before but I feel so grateful to be on this journey. I have already met so many incredible people and experienced and felt so much love  that I can't wait to see what the future holds. I will make sure to update when we learn of the decision. Until then, please pray for continued patience and strength during this time of waiting and that the expectant parents find peace in whatever decision they ultimately make.

1 comment:

  1. Adoption is amazing in ways I never expected. It is so special that I sometimes don't want to share my experience with others. Then again people badly need educated on adoption so I try to let others know how amazing and what a blessing it has been to us. I never ever thought it would be like this when we started.
